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Myofascial Release (MFR)
Joe Collura, PT is highly trained in the John Barnes Approach of myofascial release. This approach uses myofascial release techniques in addition to other manual techniques to help reduce pain and restore function. John Barnes, PT essentially fine-tuned his manual skills for over 50 years and then taught the techniques that was most effective throughout his career to therapists from around the world.
The fascia looks like a spider web. It surrounds our entire body including muscles and other pain sensitive areas. The holes in the web have fluid in them called ground substance. When there is an injury the ground substance hardens like cement. This then puts stress on pain sensitive areas.
Through hands-on, manual work like myofascial release we are able to release or rehydrate the fascia taking pressure off the surrounding areas. These manual techniques in addition to patient specific exercises and education can often reduce pain, minimize or eliminate the need for medications, injections and surgeries.

Therapeutic Exercise
Once you’re aligned and the fascia has been released and put back into it’s natural state, we will create a therapeutic exercise program focusing on myofascial stretching. This program will be designed to look at you as a whole including the activities you do and your function in whatever environment you live and work in. You will be responsible for your recovery through the custom made program. The program might include therapeutic exercise and activities, gait training, body awareness, physical therapy based yoga, and other things.
Physical Therapy and Myofascial Release FAQ
PELVIC PAINMFR decreases tightness of tissues surrounding the pelvic and abdominal areas to eliminate symptoms.
PLANTAR FASCITISMFR decreases tightness in the tissues of the leg and bottom of the foot to restore proper alignment of the hip bones and bones of the feet to enable pain-free walking.
PUDENDAL NERVE ENTRAPMENTBy providing gentle, sustained hands-on stretching into the areas of fascial restriction, Myofascial Release can restore the necessary slack to the system to take the pressure off of the pudendal nerve. This helps to eliminate pain and improve the ability to sit, engage in intercourse, and maintain continence.
SHIN SPLINTSMFR decreases tightness and fascial restrictions of the tissues in the shins and legs to alleviate symptoms and prevent recurrence with future physical activity.
TENNIS ELBOWMFR decreases tightness of tissue and muscles in the forearm surrounding the elbow to alleviate symptoms.
BACK PAINMyofascial Release is extremely helpful in reducing back pain, restoring the motion and flexibility of the entire spine by treating the front and back three-dimensionally and the associated pelvis which is considered to be the foundation of the spine.
BULGING DISCMFR decreases tightness in the tissues surrounding the spine to prevent further herniation and decrease pain and symptoms.